My Profile

Handojo Triyanto is Senior Research Manager for IDC Financial Insights. He conducts the research and consulting work for Asia/Pacific Financial Insights covering: market and competitive analyses, technology trends and predictions, user demands and preferences, as well as business models and practices. Based in Indonesia, he also conducts the business development for Indonesia Financial Insights.

Handojo has more than 9 years of experience in IT and business consulting for financial services industry by working for Deloitte and Accenture, as well as customer intimacy competitive strategy covering IT and Business Analysis for AXA insurance firms. Previously, he had more than 8 years of experience in operational efficiency competitive strategy covering IT and business process management for manufacturing industry.

Handojo holds Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Engineering from the Sepuluh November Insitute of Technology (Indonesian state university). He received various trainings in IT security, risk & governance from Deloitte and in IT implementation methodology, banking business processes, leading vendor’s technologies from Accenture. In AXA, he received trainings in insurance business processes and customer experiences. He also joined trainings in quality improvement in some manufacturing firms. Handojo also holds professional certificate P.CRM (Professional Customer Relationship Management) from AARM International.

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