The Framework for Digital Transformation (DX) Journey

In just a few short decades, information technology (IT) has moved from the back office, IDC's 1st Platform, to the front office, the 2nd Platform and finally, embedded itself into nearly every aspect of people's business and personal lives, fueled by 3rd Platform technologies including mobile, social business, cloud, and big data and analytics (BDA). Those 4 (four) technologies are called as the pillar of the 3rd Platform. There are 6 (six) additional technologies called as "Innovation Accelerators" are emerging in the current Digital Transformation period. A key issue for business and IT leaders today is creating an organization that can deliver on the promise of digital transformation (DX) for their enterprises. IDC (International Data Corporation) has created a different kind of leadership framework which we call " Leading in 3 Dimensions " or " L3D ". In a rapidly changing social ecosystem, adoption of new technologies by customers and m...